L's Lessons in Art Therapy

Thursday, April 20, 2006

April Reminder

Just a reminder April has one of the highest rates of suicide. Unfortunately I'm seeing it mostly in highschool aged children right now.

For some ideas on why it happens mostly in spring check out: Why? To understand a bit more of what is going on at the suicide hotline where I work go type in:


Clients who plan suicides with guns either seem to not want to or do not have the chance to call suicide hotlines very often. Their method is too immediate. ;( Other methods give you a fighting chance to think things out and ask for help. My personal, unofficial observation has been that people who plan suicides with guns have a better chance of blocking their suicidal thoughts if they have already developed a relationship with someone at a suicide hotline or clinic- i.e. if they feel connected to some source of help.

If you, a loved one or a friend need help and/or are suffering from major depression, bipolar disorder and/or a disorder on the Schizophrenic spectrum please check out some of these resources:

I just finished a relatively informal presentation on suicide assessment yesterday. I will keep adding to this list to provide further support. However, the NSP should provide a pretty good starting place.

Have a good weekend!


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