L's Lessons in Art Therapy

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Jake Ivory's

My old college friends and I recently went to Jake Ivory's. As we walked in, we noticed that EVERYONE was smiling way too much! It was very unnerving! The music was not that great and no one was dancing, they were just standing there like zombies smiling. Intrigued, we walked to the center of the club. There we saw that the TV screens were giving directives such as "Smile," "Clap!" "Sway." This prompted my girlfriend to conclude that everyone had been brainwashed and that we, as unlikely as it seemed, could fall victim to the same fate. Low and behold by the end of the night, we, too, were swaying, clapping and smiling with the cheesy music. Here is the evidence of my experience being brainwashed:


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